1-2 hour guided trail rides are offered with safe dependable mounts
Groups of no more than 4 are taken out at any one time
Reservations and a deposit are needed to secure your trail ride time and date
(send an email to jumpinghfarm@yahoo.com or call 336-366-3276 for reservation and deposit information)
No children under 10 are allowed to ride out on the Guided Trails
We do have other options for Children under 10 to ride in a safe controlled environment so they can learn and enjoy their first experiences on horse back.
No doubling on mounts (one person per horse)
All children and young adults under the age of 18 are REQUIRED to wear safety helmets. (provided by facility)
English and Western Saddles available
Adults are STRONGLY encouraged to wear safety headgear (provided by facility)
Correct Safe Footwear is MANDATORY. Boots are preferred but good heavy canvas or leather tennis shoes are acceptable. Large brogans or heavy steel toed boots may not fit in the stirrups.
Please wear long pants- jeans, leggings, khakis, etc. This is to prevent rubbing and pinching of your legs while riding. Slick fabrics are not suggested due to the fact it will slide around while you are mounted in the saddle
Rates for Trail Rides:
40.00 for 1-hour guided trail ride per person with 15-30 minutes of pre-ride instruction (total mounted ride time approximately 90 minutes)
Max of 4 people to a group
65.00 for 1.5 - 2 hour guided trail ride per person 15-30 minutes of pre-ride instruction (total mounted ride time approximately 120 minutes)
PAYMENT OPTIONS- Cash and Check are accepted at the farm. Prepayment with paypal are accepted paypal payment can be made to jumpinghfarm@yahoo.com If you are paying in Cash at the farm please have exact change.
Trail Riding Lessons are a way for people to learn about horses and horsemanship without having to learn in "just" a riding ring environment. You get the added benefits of learning all the core skill riding basics that will carry over to any discipline of riding.
Private Trail Riding Instruction
60.00 for 1- 2 hour trail riding instruction (total mounted ride time approximately 60 minutes)
Group Trail Riding Instruction
40.00 for 1- 2 hour trail riding instruction (total mounted ride time approximately 60 minutes) no more than 4 in a group
Each person will be taught how to groom and care for their mount before and after the lesson. We teach adults as well as children from Beginning to Intermediate riders. We stress personal goals when learning to ride and want everyone to have a good time.
What to expect during your first lesson
When you arrive
You will be introduced to your mount
Shown how to halter and lead your mount
Safely put him/her in the cross ties
Correct grooming and cleaning of feet
Learn how to correctly saddle and bridle your mount
How to correctly mount your horse
Fundamentals of steering and controlling your mount
How to correctly balance and position your body in the saddle on uneven terrain
Please allow for at least 1 ½- 2 hours for the first few lessons. In the beginning it takes time to learn these skills. Actual riding time will be 45-60 minutes As you become more efficient and quick at grooming and tacking, you will have more time to ride during the lesson. I have found that some students enjoy grooming and being around horses as much as the actual ride so you are welcome to brush your mount to your heart's content after the lesson.
******* PLEASE NOTE ********
If you are starting lessons at Jumping H Farm with previous riding experience. Your current lesson will be based on your previous experience.
Jumping H Farm Guided Trail Rides and Trail Riding Lessons.